Sunday, August 23, 2009

Competitive Economies And Corporate Loyalties

Looking at the header of this post you might be thinking what competitive economies have got to do with loyalties......Well this is the biggest challenge corporations the world over are facing today. It is a paradox that sprang up from the way free markets work viz., competition...ruthless competition.

Competition is the key factor that has driven the success of free markets and ensured that free economies don't stagnate after a period of growth. Competition is one thing that the Soviets couldn't imbibe into their economic policies which eventually lead to Perestroika and Glasnost in the erstwhile Soviet Union and then on to it's eventual fall. All business endeavors are to see profit, and governments that support free markets make sure there always is profit. The way they achieve this is to leave ground for multiple players, thus making sure that no one rests on their laurels for long.

So big corporations run with a single mindedness called 'profit', this hunger for profits has now hit individuals as well. There is a real sense in asking oneself this question......."why should I lose this opportunity to gain more money?" Corporations keep asking themselves this question, and now individuals do as well. The answer to this question is to keep looking for better pastures all the time and switch to a new job whenever there are better opportunities. The first thing that private organizations think of during a stormy time is throwing people overboard!! so why should individuals be loyal to any organization that treats them no more than instruments of profit? well nobody seems to be.......

My father always used to say of his organization... "dear, this is the entity that's feeding us and sending you to school", his organization, even during very hard times never threw anyone overboard, even those who were asked to leave were given money equivalent to what they would earn till they retire!! This loyalty is a rarity to people of our generation. No one has any loyalties to anybody, it is just a hunger for profit that drives people and corporations. So, can we go back to the old system? definitely not, as we have seen where it had lead us. The best example is that of DoorDarshan in India, they were holding 100% market share for television channels in India, I haven't seen it in many years and many like me have forgotten it, DoorDarshan was and is one of the most inefficient machines around.

So, what is the answer to all this volatility we see with individuals and corporations alike? The answer is a pretty tough one, and we can say we still haven't learn't economics properly. Could Communism be an answer to this? May be, time will tell this as people move ahead perfecting the way things are handled. It is to be noted that Karl Marx never thought of forcing Communism onto people, he believed that brutality of Capitalism will lead to a desire in people for an equal share for all humanity to the resources no single person truly can inherit.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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